About Me

Nothing much to see here, just your everyday pop culture fanatic with way too much time on his hands. In my day job, I’m an owner and designer for places like Arca Noctis and County Argyle. That gives me the chance to design sterling jewelry, dream up collectible pins, publish Tarot decks and plenty more. The one current underlying it all is my love for everything retro pop. Old View-Masters? Check. Vintage games? Check. Saturday morning TV? Check. Fifties beefcake photography? Check. You get the idea.

When I’m not designing or writing, I’m traveling around and locking down new finds that I can polish up for the site or craft into something new. If you ever want to connect over pop culture, follow The Retrograph on Instagram or drop me a line.

Social Action

As a Queer artist, I believe it is crucial that I give back to the individuals and communities that support me and my family. Every item on The Retrograph that includes traditional Gay Pride or Trans Pride imagery is part of my social action commitment. Every quarter I donate a portion of the profits from each of these items to a Gay, Queer, Trans or allied social service organization in my community (Central Florida). If you know of a similar group in my area that could benefit from this support, please contact me.

The Retrograph

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